The Sustainability Mindset and The Sustainability Mindset Indicator. An introduction in four videos by Isabel Rimaonczy.
What is the Sustainability Mindset?
Why is the Sustainability Mindset important?
And what is the Sustainability Mindset Indicator?
What can I do with the Sustainability Mindset Indicator?
HRD podcast episode on sustainability featuring Dr. Isabel Rimanoczy
In this episode of the Human Resources Development Masterclass Podcasts, the guests Dr. Matthijs Bal (University of Lincoln, United Kingdom), Dr. Laura L. Bierema (University of Georgia, United States), and Dr. Isabel Rimanoczy (The Sustainability Mindset Principles) discuss the relationship between HRD and Sustainability, including:
What is meant by the term Sustainability? What is the connection between Sustainability and the concepts of work and the workplace? What is the relationship between Sustainability and HRD? To what extent does HRD have a significant voice on Sustainability within organizations? How can HRD and HRM work together on Sustainability? How can organizations measure their current state on Sustainability and use those measures to inform their Sustainability priorities? and much more..
Where to find the podcast?
The podcast is available via any podcasting services, such as: Apple Podcast; Google Podcast; Spotify; PlayerFM; Podcast Addict; Amazon Music; Listen Notes; Stitcher.
Cooperation with Excelia Business School featuring Dr. Isabel Rimanoczy & Prof. Dr. Beate Klingenberg
During the spring of 2022, Excelia Business School in La Rochelle, France, offered a Sustainability Mindset Training workshop for business faculty. In this video, we are reflecting on this experience.