Review of the Action Lab by Carina Hopper, JoinEDuC

“The Sustainability Mindset Principles Action Lab, a transformative experience that Join EDuC cofounder Carina Hopper participated in this year. Led by Isabel Rimanoczy and Beate Klingenberg, the workshop focused on embedding sustainability principles into teaching practices. The hands-on approach, alternating between learning, exploring concepts, exchanging ideas, and debriefing, was effective in fostering a deeper understanding of sustainability’s role in education.

The structure of the Action Lab, with a total of 16 hours divided into four facilitated sessions and home assignments, was well-balanced and allowed for both guided learning and individual reflection. The facilitators’ expertise and engaging style made the sessions highly interactive and enriching. Overall, the Action Lab provided valuable insights and practical tools for educators looking to integrate sustainability into their teaching, and we would recommend it to anyone interested in this field. The next training (which costs US$ 220) starts June 11, 2024.”

What is JoinEDuc?
“Our mission is to ensure that future employees, entrepreneurs and business leaders are prepared to reconcile business activities with present and future environmental and social challenges.
We are supporting change in higher education curricula by bringing to program-level sustainability commitments while empowering students in their choice of studies.”

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